Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Lessons I Learned When My Boss Was Fired - Ricardo Fort

Lessons I Learned When My Boss Was Fired - Ricardo Fort
Ricardo Fort - Lessons I Learned When My Boss Was Fired artwork Lessons I Learned When My Boss Was Fired
Ricardo Fort
Genre: Careers
Price: $6.99
Publish Date: March 25, 2022
Publisher: Fort Publishing
Seller: Ricardo Fort

After a surprise and painful termination from a global multinational corporation, a successful marketing executive reflects on the actions he should have taken to be better prepared to deal with it. In this process, he comes up with a series of actionable everyday lessons he would have loved to know earlier in his career. While it was too late for him, these lessons can come in handy for the rest of us. All employees will get fired once or multiple times in their careers. Knowing how to deal with it and, mostly, how to bounce back, is a skill worth developing as soon as possible.

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